Was Suchana Seth mentally stable?

Despite looking for evidence of an unstable mental state, in the case of Suchana Seth, CEO of Mindful AI Lab, I could not find even a line in the web world or news world about her mental state, under which she committed an unbelievable crime. A crime committed on January 8, 2024, is likely to be recorded in history as one of the most heinous crimes. All the stuff on the internet belonged to one of the following categories:

  1. About her extraordinary intelligence, qualifications, and success.
  2. The second category of information was about the extreme cruelty of a mother who killed her four-year-old son.
  3. The third category was about the intelligence of the cab drivers, the police, and the hotel staff, who became alert, which resulted in her arrest.
  4. The fourth category of information was about the reason why she killed her son. It is said that it is a premeditated, planned murder. The motive behind the murder was not to allow her husband to meet her son once a week, as ordered by the court.

In the entire Web world of print and electronic media, she is condemned as a mother. No one is talking about the mental state in which she committed this act. I also did not find any information about the mental trauma she might be going through.

This incident definitely shows that she was in a state of extreme anger and revenge. A desire to give pain to her husband was so intense that she lost the mental balance and stopped to discriminate between her pain (revenge from her husband) and love for her son. This is certainly not indicative of a healthy mental state. Suchana is just one more case among the many going through unstable mental states. The reason may be trauma, pain, shame, guilt, sexual abuse, painful childhood experiences, or past life experiences. Despite her being so educated, intelligent, and successful, she and her family did not seek professional mental health services for her mental state, which was responsible for her dysfunctional behavior. This dysfunctional behavior of Suchana cannot be an incident in her life. There must have been many small or big incidents that required attention and healing.

She and her son are once again victims of stigma against mental health. How many more do we need to sacrifice for this stigma?

If you suffer from a cold, cough, or low fever for three days, your family starts pressuring you to seek professional medical help to recover quickly. When you show frequent anger, frequent episodes of anxiety and fear, panic attacks, symptoms of depression, or an addiction to alcohol or smoking, people talk about your willpower to change your behavior. When you have experienced trauma and are in grief, people ask you to be strong and move on. If your child’s performance suddenly goes down, the parents will send the child to school without exploring other possible emotional causes. The child who doesn’t want to go to school, maybe because the child faced sexual abuse or bullying, is considered to be running away from his studies and is forced to go to this same place where the child faced trauma. All such cases require immediate attention and professional healing. If this healing is not done in time, it may result in lower productivity, tension, stress, depression, mental disorders, and any kind of physical disease. According to the World Health Organization, 85% or more physical diseases were either caused by stress or their severity increased due to stress. Stress is mostly the source of many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, acidity, heart problems, respiratory problems, or the intensity of these diseases, which increases due to stress.

More than 15%,

That is, 1 out of every 8 people in the population of the world, including India, suffers from serious mental health disorders. A very high percentage of the population is experiencing stress, financial instability, unpredictability, and the breaking of families. People suffering from mental health issues often go through experiences of severe anguish, pain, and distress, stopping them from living a fulfilling life. Not only is their life hampered, but it affects the entire family. It also has serious economic consequences because it affects productivity and physical health. Addressing mental health issues becomes crucial not only for the person affected by them but for the entire family, the entire community, and the entire nation.

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